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Uniters and Reconcilers

Jay Ferguson, headmaster of Grace Community School in Tyler, Texas, shares a couple of ways we as Christian educators can prepare our hearts, and those of our students and families, to be uniters and reconcilers.
February 8, 2022

Pluralism & the Common Good

Edward Noot, executive director of SCSBC, explains how our place in a pluralistic society will be strengthened if we adhere to our core purpose while finding ways for our schools to become increasingly engaged with our neighbours and society.
February 1, 2022

Power, Education, and the Circle of Tov

In this week’s blog post, Author and Grow Kids Teacher Laura Barringer introduces how we can nurture habits of goodness in our school communities. Laura’s March 9 Converge session, “Tov: A Three-Lettered Word That Shapes School Culture,” will explore this question: How do we create school cultures that resist abuse and toxicity?
December 21, 2021

Changing Our Schools Is Not Something to Fear

Can change become an enjoyable challenge and not a feared unknown? Author and Converge speaker Grant Lichtman believes so. He shares in his blog post how effective change starts with a community-wide recognition that change is both good and necessary, and then by establishing a clear, unambiguous “North Star” vision for the future.
November 9, 2021

Hospitality and Christian Schools

If the Christian school might itself be a form of hospitality, if pedagogy should be hospitable, if hospitality is itself a worthy topic and lens to learn about, and if we hope that students themselves will not forget to welcome strangers, then hospitality remains vitally relevant even when we can’t serve a casserole.
September 7, 2021