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Why Is Cardus a Host Organization for Converge 2022?

Think tanks typically work at a three-way intersection of academia, government, and media, with the purpose of providing thought leadership in one of two lanes: government-based or market-based public policy “solutions.” Cardus is unique in that we are situated at a crossing with a fourth spoke: culture. Our work is about more than just credible research, sound policy, and public…
May 25, 2021

Peer-to-Peer Support: The Secret to Recovery and Reentry

In this new rebuilding season, we will need endurance that comes from faith—especially because there is no predictable timeline for a full recovery. Christian schools hold one of the most pivotal positions in society as a witness of the power of learning for healing within a caring community.
May 11, 2021

A Family Reunion We All Need

As individuals, we have a wide range and very diverse experiences as school heads, but we do have a common purpose. Looking at the word “similar” in our definition does not mean “the same,” and our something “in common” is the desire to see God honored and glorified in our schools as we develop disciples and tomorrow’s Christian leaders. That…